Pastor Ken Kelley and his wife, Tanya, have been married for 30 years and have been blessed by God with eight children and two grandchildren.

Ordained in 1996, Pastor Ken has been faithfully serving and inspiring his congregation. He has been a Senior Pastor since 2012, without receiving a salary. Pastor Ken founded Look To Christ Church in March of 2023. His passion and unwavering love for God and others is evident in how he leads Look To Christ Church. He and his wife Tanya, love spending time with family and serving the church. Pastor Ken shepherds the church through his Godly leadership and powerful Spirit led preaching. He has dedicated his life to encouraging those around him to look to Christ in everything they do.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help people understand the desperate need to look to Christ and for them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. We seek to fulfill this mission by preaching God’s Word and by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through outreach and evangelism in the community and beyond.

Vision Statement

The vision of Look to Christ Church is driven solely by God’s Holy Word. Our vision is to look to Christ in everything we do and experience in life.

We desire to lead as many people as possible to look to Christ in everything they do in their life. 

Why? John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

We believe the world is lost because they are looking at all the wrong things for answers. As a result, there is much destruction in relationships, communities, the government, and the world at large; being filled with greed, violence, division, hate, racism, selfishness, lack of love for others, and a lack of peace in people’s lives.  Looking at the wrong thing, leads to doing the wrong things.

Everyone wants to know the WAY, the TRUTH, and wants to have LIFE! Therefore, everyone must Look To Christ.

what we believe